Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Our primary goal is to improve our patients’ health, happiness, and quality of life through the care we deliver. We understand that in many cases, dental treatment alone is not enough, and we must rely on integrative treatment with other disciplines.

We work closely with an expert team of other dental specialists including:

  • Periodontists
  • Endodontists
  • Oral maxillofacial surgeons

We also recognize the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration with professionals outside of dentistry, such as:

  • Otolaryngologists (ENT)
  • Myofunctional therapists / Speech and Language Pathologists
  • Osteopathic body workers
  • Chiropractors
  • Physical therapists
  • Pain management physicians
  • Sleep medicine physicians
  • Nutritionist / Dietician

As a patient, if you are under the care of an outside provider and want to continue to work with them, please let us know. We are happy to communicate with them, share records, and collaborate in the treatment planning of your case.

If you are provider with a similar philosophy to AIRE Dental Group’s and think your discipline could help to serve our patients, we would love to hear from you.

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